East Africa Exchange (EAX) is a regional commodity exchange. It is marketplace that links buyers and sellers of commodities such as Maize, Beans, Sorghum, Paddy Rice, Soya, wheat, tea, coffee and minerals while further providing price transparency, commodity quality and quantity, and prompt settlement and clearance.

What is East Africa Exchange (EAX)?
When was EAX established?
EAX was established in 2013, primarily to link small holder farmers in Rwanda and the East African community countries to markets and financial services.
What type of company is EAX?
EAX is an a commodities exchange equipped with world class infrastructure established to support farmers, agricultural traders and mineral traders in partnership with Government Institutions and Financial Institutions in Rwanda, East African Community and beyond to offer global, regional and local trading services, warehousing and commodities financing.
Where is EAX located?
EAX headquarters is based in Kigali, Rwanda and operates trades within EAC members states including but not limited to Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania but also Zambia, Malawi and DRC.
What Commodities does EAX trade?
EAX trades primarily agricultural commodities such as: Maize, Beans, Soya, Wheat, Sorghum, Paddy rice. The exchange also has the capacity to facilitate the trade of other commodities such as minerals, energy, timber and is continuously carrying out research into different value chains.
What are EAX products and services?
Storage and collateral management: EAX operates an integrated network of certified warehouses in different parts of its countries of operations that offer storage and collateral management services for grains including weighing, and re-bagging; Currrently, the exchange has warehouses in, Rwanda:
Bugesera Silo in Mayange;
Kayonza 1 in Gasarabwayi;
Kayonza 2 in Rwinkwavu;
Nyanza in Rwabicuma and;
Rwamagana 1 in Musha;Value-addition post-havest services with storage facilities and collateral management: EAX warehouses are also equipped with modern tools to provide grading, drying, cleaning and fumigation services to members
Electronic Warehouse Receipts (EWRs): An EWR is issued against the commodity quantity and grade stored at EAX certified warehouse. each EWR enables the holder (farmer/ cooperative/depositors) to sell their commodity from its location and further use it as security to access finance from EAX certified member financial institution.
Services of trading: EAX has invested in the world class trading platform to offer services of trading in spot, forward and futures contracts. We also offer offline trading services
Market information oversight: EAX provides daily prices and other market data analysis to buyers and sellers to enable them make informed decisions during trade.
Cash settlement to the seller and commodity delivery to the buyer: EAX system ensures that sellers accounts are settled within two (2) days after trade (T+2) and buyers receive their goods two (2) days after the trade (T+2).
How can I trade using EAX Platform?
EAX is a membership based organization, therefore one needs to be a member to access EAX services. For more information about becoming a member, please contact us.
How do I contact EAX?
At the Headquarter in Rwanda
East Africa Exchange (EAX)
RSSB Tower II, 6th Floor, African Union Boulevard | KN 3 Rd (Péage) Kiyovu, Nyarugenge,
Kigali, Rwanda
Email: info@ea-africaexchange.com
Office phone: +250 788 19 7000